Ocular Surface & Dry Eyes Treatment

What are ocular surface disorders?

Ocular surface disorders encompass a range of conditions that affect the outermost layer of the eye, the cornea, and the conjunctiva. These delicate layers are crucial in maintaining the health and function of the eye. Ocular surface disorders can occur in various ways, and understanding their symptoms, causes, and types is necessary for effective diagnosis and treatment.

Symptoms Ocular Surface Disease

Ocular surface disorders cause uncomfortable and disruptive symptoms. 

  • Patients may experience dry eye disorder, ocular surface disease, eye redness, burning or stinging sensations, 
  • Excessive tearing
  • Light sensitivity
  • Blurred vision, and a gritty feeling as if there’s something stuck in the eye. These symptoms can significantly affect one’s life quality and overall eye health.

Causes of Ocular Surface Disease

These disorders can arise due to various factors. 

  • Environmental factors such as dry or windy conditions
  • Increased screen time, and exposure to allergens can contribute. 
  • Underlying systemic conditions like autoimmune diseases or allergies can also lead to ocular surface disorders
  • Contact lens, certain medications, and ocular surgeries may add to risk as well.

Types of ocular surface disorders

These disorders include different conditions like dry eye syndrome, conjunctivitis (commonly known as pink eye), corneal infections and ulcers, and pterygium. Dry eye syndrome, the most common among these, develops when the eyes don’t produce enough tears or the tears evaporate too fast, resulting in discomfort and potential damage to the cornea. Whereas, conjunctivitis occurs due to infections or allergies which cause grittiness and redness in the eye. Corneal infections and ulcers are more serious problems which can threaten the vision if left unattended for too long. Pterygium, a growth on the eye surface, can also result in visual disturbance and irritation.

Dry Eyes Treatment

Dry eyes are quite a common eye problem which can cause discomfort and reduced vision clarity. At Centre for Sight, we understand the importance of having clear, comfortable vision to lead a good quality. We provide comprehensive dry eye syndrome treatment and address the root causes, offering relief and thus improving daily life.   

Diagnosis for Dry Eye

The journey to restore healthy eyes and enhanced vision starts with a precise diagnosis. Our experienced eye specialists use world-class diagnostic devices to understand the extent of severity of dry eyes, determining factors like tear quality and quantity, ocular surface health, and any underlying conditions. 

Dry Eye Treatment options

Artificial tears:

For mild cases of dry eyes, over-the-counter artificial tear drops may be recommended. These lubricating eye drops can provide quick relief from symptoms.

Prescription medications:

In cases of moderate to severe dry eyes, your ophthalmologist may prescribe prescription eye drops  which help increase tear production or reduce inflammation.


Our advanced IPL treatment targets Meibomian gland dysfunction, a common cause of dry eyes. This revolutionary procedure applies precisely controlled heat and gentle pressure to restore the natural oil flow in your eyes. IPL therapy can be an effective treatment for evaporative dry eye by reducing inflammation in the eyelids and promoting healthier oil gland function.

Punctal plugs:

Tiny, biocompatible devices inserted into the tear ducts to block drainage, preserving your natural tears and maintaining moisture on the eye’s surface.


For patients with severe dry eye that doesn’t respond to non-surgical treatments, surgical options may be considered.

  • Tear duct closure: In severe cases where excessive tear drainage contributes to dryness, dry eye surgery can partially or completely close the tear ducts to conserve your natural tears.
  • Amniotic membrane transplantation: This innovative procedure uses amniotic membrane tissue to promote healing and reduce inflammation in severe dry eye cases.

Why choose Centre For Sight for ocular surface disorders?

At Centre for Sight, our highly skilled and experienced eye specialists deliver a thorough diagnosis and customized treatment plans. Our unwavering commitment to delivering the finest ophthalmic solutions guarantees access to the most advanced and effective treatments currently available. With a dedicated team of specialists, cutting-edge technology, and a patient-centric approach, we are here to assist you in regaining the comfort and clarity of your vision. Say goodbye to the irritation and frustration of dry eyes; reach out to the Centre for Sight today to initiate your journey towards healthier, happier eyes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Explore FAQs

What Is the Routine for Dry Eyes?

The routine for managing dry eyes may include using artificial tears, avoiding dry environments, taking breaks from screen time, and staying hydrated.

Can I live a Normal Life with Dry Eyes?

While dry eyes can be uncomfortable, most people with the condition can live normal lives with proper management and treatment.

What Is the Most Appropriate Treatment for Dry Eye?

The most appropriate treatment for dry eye varies depending on the severity and cause but may include artificial tears and medications.

What Is the Best Remedy for Dry Eyes?

The best remedy for dry eyes depends on the underlying cause but may include artificial tears, lifestyle changes, or prescription medications.

What Is Ocular Surface Inflammation?

Ocular surface inflammation is a condition where the outer layer of the eye becomes inflamed, causing symptoms like redness, irritation, and discomfort.

What Is Ocular Surface Damage?

Ocular surface damage refers to injuries or conditions affecting the outer layer of the eye, leading to discomfort or vision problems.

What Is the Surface of the Eye?

The surface of the eye includes the cornea, conjunctiva, and tear film, which protect and lubricate the eye.

What Is the Ocular Surface?

The ocular surface refers to the outer layer of the eye, including the cornea, conjunctiva, and tear film.

How fasting causes dry eyes?

During the phase of consistent fasting, our intake of a nutrient-rich diet decreases in quantity. Therefore, the lack of nutrients that are required by our body to ensure an active functioning of eye muscles and tear glands is the cause of dry eyes. As per medical researchers, the functioning of certain fluids of our body gets altered during the fasting period. In the same context, the components of the tear protein film undergo specific changes. The protein pattern of the tear film alters. Hence, it results in the depletion of the moist layer and causes dry eyes.

What are some simple tips for managing dry eye disorder?

You can do your bit for dry eye syndrome treatment by following common tips:
● Stay clear of the environment that may induce dry eyes. Avoid areas which might be abundant in dust, smoke, or wind.
● Use eye drops or ointments to ensure that your eyes stay lubricated.
See your doctor if severe symptoms of dry eyes show up. Some of the serious symptoms include:
❖ Pain is more than mild irritation.
❖ Dry mouth
❖ Joint pain, stiffness or swelling
❖ Continued dryness even after taking preventive steps and precautions
Centre for Sight provides one of the best treatments for dry eyes and other ocular disorders.

What are some home remedies to cure dry eyes?

  • Blink frequently
    People tend to blink much less while working on a computer, digital display
    devices, etc. The decreased rate of aggravates mild dry eye symptoms. Make sure
    to perform a full blink in a way that you squeeze your eyelids together. This
    action spreads a fresh layer of tears over your eyes.
  • Remove eye makeup thoroughly
    Eyeliner, kohl, eye shadows, etc. clog the skin and meibomian glands under the
    eyelashes. Be diligent about removing every bit of makeup from lashes, eyelids,
    and nearby areas before going to bed.
  • Following eye care routine
    It is essential to follow an eye care routine to keep eyes hydrated. Apply moist
    washcloth for at least three minutes to close eyelids. Gently wash them with a
    mild cleanser and moisturizer with eye care cream. You can also put warm
    compresses of cotton on your eyes to relax them.
  • Wear quality sunglasses
    Wind, dust, and other irritants in the air can worsen dry eye symptoms. Thats
    why it becomes vital to choose quality sunglasses while stepping outside. It
    would be best if you go for a wrap-style frame as it not only covers your eyes but
    gives full protection to the nearby areas too.
  • Medicine adjustment
    Several medicines can acutely cause dry eyes or worsen mild dry eye symptoms.
    Antidepressants, medicines for controlling blood pressure, etc. can exacerbate
    the situation. Consult with your doctor and adjust the medication.

What is blepharitis?

Blepharitis is a multifactorial disease. It is often caused by eyelash mites, clogged oil glands in the eyelids, dandruff in the scalp and eyebrows, and allergy due to makeup.

Am I at the risk of developing blepharitis?

Children and adults both are susceptible to this ocular disorder.

What steps can I take to treat blepharitis at home?

Blepharitis is an ocular eye disorder. Hence, warm compresses and washing the eyelids can help in treating the condition as a home remedy. Follow your doctors advice before taking any antibiotics to prevent inflammation and infection.

What is Sjogren’s syndrome?

Sjogren’s syndrome is a rare autoimmune disorder that results in low or hyperimmune activity. A person suffering from this syndrome will always complain about the dryness of the mouth and eyes.

How can Sjogren’s syndrome be cured or managed?

Artificial tears to lubricate the eyes is often understood as the standard way to treat this ocular disorder. Wrap around a pair of glasses is also considered as an option to prevent eyes from an external stimulant.

What is rosacea?

Rosacea is a skin condition that is characterised by tiny, red, pus-filled bumps on the skin. This condition often causes soreness and burning in the eyes.

What are the risk factors associated with rosacea?

Rosacea usually affects people who are more than thirty years of age. This is a condition that is mostly seen in people with fair skin. This can also be hereditary.

How to curb dry eyes in winters?

With your doctors recommendation, you can do the following things:
● If you use contact lenses, it’s essential to be extra cautious in the winter.
❖ Make use of rewetting drops as often as you can.
❖ Lenses are like sponges and are required to remain hydrated to maintain their shape, so keep them lubricated.
● You can shield your eyes from elements by putting on a hat with a brim and wearing sunglasses.
● Even before when you step outdoors, you should prevent dryness by using a humidifier.

What are the kinds of dry eye surgery available?

Dry eye surgery is seen as a rare treatment for this eye condition. However, there are different types of dry eye surgery that might involve blocking or closing tear ducts. Dry eye surgery can also be done to adjust the lower eyelid of the patient, so it does not lose. One of the treatment options is inserting punctal plugs in the patients tear ducts. The other type of surgery are:

● Thermal cautery Thermal cautery is seen as a measure to combat dry eyes when punctal plugs fail to suit the patient. During this kind of dry eye surgery, the surgeon uses a heated wire to shrink tissues around tear ducts. This permanently closes the duct and does not let tears drain, allowing them to be retained on the surface longer.

● Salivary gland transplantation Salivary gland transplantation is a type of dry eye surgery when your tear glands do not produce many tears. In this surgery, the surgeon may remove some parts of salivary glands from the patients lower lip and grafts them to the upper eyelid.

Do eye boogers need treatment?

If you’re experiencing mild discharge when you wake up, there is no treatment necessary. If some other condition causes the discharge, treatment may be needed, which can include:
● To treat conditions like conjunctivitis, dry eyes, or corneal ulcers use eye drops
● Wear glasses instead of contact lenses for several days or weeks while your eyes heal
● Avoid any contact with your eyes except to apply medications after washing your hands thoroughly

What are the foods that may help me dry eye syndrome treatment?

Food rich in omega-3, omega-6 fatty acids, vitamin E, and vitamin A may help you in dry eye syndrome treatment.

What can be complications of dry eye syndrome treatment?

After dry eye syndrome treatment, people have no long-term complications, most likely. Dry eyes sometimes cause conjunctivitis, which generally does not require treatment. But, if it is recurring, then it is a sign that you may need to talk to your specialist about your condition and dry eye syndrome treatment.
Contact Centre for Sight for one of the best treatments for dry eyes

Does smoking affect dry eyes?

Yes, the dangerous elements of smoke get inside your bloodstream, thereby causing damage to your eyes. You place yourself at a higher risk of getting cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, and dry eyes if you smoke.

Is there any disease that can cause dry eyes?

Although dry eyes disorders are multifactorial, still some diseases can cause this eye condition, like:
● Rosacea
● Collagen vascular diseases
● Rheumatoid arthritis
● Congenital eye problem

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