Specialties of Dr. Swathi Achanti
Qualification of Dr. Swathi Achanti
Experience of Dr. Swathi Achanti
- Sankara Eye Hospital, Coimbatore
- Vasan Eye care
- Sunayana Eye Hospital
Research and Designation of Dr. Swathi Achanti
- A rare case of Domperidone induced Oculogyric Crisis.
- Study on awareness of glaucoma among employees of a medical college and tertiary care hospital in South India.
- A Cross sectional study on prevalence of Amblyopia in school going children.
Poster Presentations:
- Rare case of Oculo Cutaneous Albinism in a 2-year-old.
- Drug induced AION double trouble.
- All grove syndrome.
- Prospective study of ocular manifestation and causes of eye injury in RTA on East Coast Road.
- Best Disease.
International Journals:
- Ocular Manifestation in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Presenting to Tertiary Care Hospital in South India: A Prospective Study – International Journal of Scientific Study.
- A Prospective Study of Ocular Manifestation of Road Traffic Accidents on East Coast Road Presenting to Tertiary Care Centre in Tamilnadu -International Journal of Health Sciences & Research.
- Intravitreal Injection of Ozurdex as a primary mode of treatment in Diabetic Macular Edema.
- Correlation of global indices by automated perimetry and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness by optical coherence tomography in South Indian patients with open-angle Glaucoma.
Awards and Recognition of Dr. Swathi Achanti
- First prize in paper presentation for a Cross sectional Study on Prevalence of Amblyopia in school going children (Chettinad Pedicon state level competition) Chennai, Tamilnadu