Specialties of Dr. Rupal Shah
Qualification of Dr. Rupal Shah
Experience of Dr. Rupal Shah
- She is an Indian Eye Surgeon who specializes in Laser Refractive Surgery and Cataract Surgery. She is one of the pioneers of Laser Refractive Surgery, being amongst the first surgeons in India to perform these new procedures, starting in 1994.
- She is currently the Group Medical Director of New Vision Laser Center for Sight, a part of Asias largest chain of laser refractive surgery clinics. She practice in two cities-Vadodara and Mumbai- since over two decades.
- As a pioneer in the LASIK technique, she have performed more than 50000 procedures, averaging around 2000 treatments since the last 25 years. She have, since the last 12 years, been closely involved with the development of the SMILE procedure for performing refractive surgery. She was the third surgeon in the world to perform Relex and the first to perform single incison Relex smile, the standard way the procedure is performed today. She have been involved with all kinds of studies on Relex smile, including studies for US FDA approval of the procedure.
- She have several publications in prestigious peer reviewed medical journals. In addition, she have written chapters, Prefaces and Introductions in several prestigious international books.
Research and Designation of Dr. Rupal Shah
- Designation: Group Medical Director, Centre for Sight-NVLC
- Shah R., Shah S., Vogelsang, H. All-in-One Femtosecond Laser RefractiveSurgery, Techniques of Ophthalmology, Vol 8, March 2010
- Shah R., Shah S., Sengupta S., Results of Small incision lenticule Extraction: All-in-One Femtosecond Laser Refractive Surgery, Journal ofCataract and Refractive Surgery, Volume 37, January 2011
- Shah R., Shah S. Impact of Scanning Patterns on the Results of FemtosecondLaser Lenticule Extraction Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery,Volume 37, September 2011
- Moshirfar M., McCaughey M.V., Reinstein D.Z., Shah R., Santiago-CabanL., Fenzl C.R., Small Incision Lenticule Extraction. Journal of Cataractand Refractive Surgery, 41 (3) , pp. 652-665.
- Deshmukh R, Hafezi F, Kymionis GD, Kling S, Shah R, Padmanabhan P,et al. Current concepts in crosslinking thin corneas. Indian J Ophthalmol2019;67:8-15.
- Shah R., History and Results; Indications and Contraindications ofSMILE, Asia Pacific J of Ophthal. 2019:&(5):371-376
- Books:LASIK: The Evolution of Refractive Surgery, Editors Lucio Burratto,Stephen Slade and Marco Tavalato, Slack, 2012. Chapters on FLEx and ReLExsmile.
- John, T (Ed): Lamellar Corneal Surgery. McGraw-Hill Companies, NewYork, NY, 2008., Chapters on Laser Refractive Surgery
Awards and Recognition of Dr. Rupal Shah
- Awarded Gold Medal By the Indian Intraocular Implant and Refractive SurgerySociety at the hands of the Honourable Governor of Maharashtra, 2008
- Awarded the Shiv Prasad Hardia Oration Award by the All India OphthalmicSociety
- Awarded Gold Medal for Ophthalmic Practice by the Indian Intraocular Implanted Refractive Surgery Society at the hands of Prof T P Lahane, Dean, JJ Group of Hospitals, 2013
- Awarded Vadsol Gaurav Award by the Balasinor Vidyottejak Charitable Trust,2013
- Awarded Achievement Award by the Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology,2015
- Won several Best Paper of Session awards at various Indian and International Meetings
- Won several Best Paper of Session awards at various Indian and International Meetings