Specialties of Dr. Aneri Ambani
Qualification of Dr. Aneri Ambani
Experience of Dr. Aneri Ambani
Research and Designation of Dr. Aneri Ambani
- Documenting Ocular Findings and Conjunctival viral prevalence amongst.
- patients with COVID-19 admitted in a tertiary COVID care hospital.
- Ahmedabad, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, Vol. 7(7)
- Conjunctival auto-graft after pterygium surgery: leave it or stitch it : Surgeon’s Dilemma.
- European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, Vol. 7(7) 2020
- 9 in a Row, File number 127037, Image published in Retina Image Bank.
- American Society of Retina Specialist, October 23
- Multiple Pigment Epithelial Detachments Post Vitrectomy Surgery, File number 127038, Image published in Retina Image Bank, American Society of Retina Specialist, October 23
- Conferences & Talks:
- Retinopathy of Prematurity: A Battle between Laser & AntiVEGF” Talk at Turkey Ophthalmic Society, November, 2024
- Tips & Tricks: Endophthalmitis” video presentation at ASRS conference, stockholm, July, 2024
- Intravitreal dexamethasone implant in Diabetic macular edema” Poster presentation at ASRS conference, stockholm, July 2024.
- Iris claw intraocular lens (IOL) in monocular surgical aphakic patients: long term safety and efficacy” Paper presentation at GOS annual conference, Sept, 2022.
- Case report of Cherubism with ocular involvement” at 79th annual conference of All India Ophthalmological Society, June, 2021.
- Presentation and Management of Eyelid Cysticercosis: a rare case” Paper presentation at BOA MOS Summer focus, May 2021.
- Documenting Ocular Findings and Conjunctival viral prevalence amongst patients with COVID-19 admitted in a tertiary COVID care hospital, Ahmedabad” Paper presentation at LG medical conference, Jan 2021.
Awards and Recognition of Dr. Aneri Ambani
- First place (Gold Medalist) in M.S. Ophthalmology (2022), Gujarat University.
- NEWGEN Grant 2020 receiver for Development of Keratoconus Diagnosis software.