Peripheral Vision (Tunnel Vision) – Meaning, Causes & Symptoms

Thu Aug 25 2022
Peripheral Vision

Peripheral vision, also known as tunnel vision, refers to the ability to see objects and movement outside of our direct line of sight. It is an important aspect of our visual perception and plays a crucial role in our daily lives.

In this blog post, we will dive into the world of eyesight peripheral vision, exploring its meaning, causes, and symptoms, as well as discussing diagnosis and treatment options for losing side vision. We will also provide tips for maintaining healthy peripheral vision. So let’s begin our journey into its fascinating world and uncover the mysteries behind this important visual ability.

Understanding Peripheral Vision

Peripheral vision allows us to perceive objects and movement in our surroundings, even when they are not in our direct line of sight. It is the result of our visual system’s ability to detect and process visual information from a wide field of view.

Our eyes have specialized cells called photoreceptors, located in the retina, which are responsible for capturing light and converting it into electrical signals that can be interpreted by the brain. In the case of peripheral vision, the photoreceptors located in the outer regions of the retina are primarily responsible for detecting and processing visual information.

This ability to see objects and movement in our lateral peripheral vision is essential for various activities, such as driving, sports, and navigating through crowded environments. It helps us become aware of potential dangers or opportunities in our surroundings, even when we are focused on a specific task or object.

Understanding how eyesight peripheral vision works and its importance in our daily lives can help us appreciate the significance of maintaining its health and addressing any issues that may arise.

Peripheral Vision: Why Is It Important?

Lateral peripheral vision is important for several reasons:

  • It enhances our situational awareness, allowing us to detect potential threats or hazards in our surroundings.
  • It helps us navigate through our environment, preventing collisions or accidents.
  • It contributes to our depth perception, helping us judge the distance and position of objects around us.
  • It plays a crucial role in sports and other physical activities, allowing us to anticipate the movements of opponents or objects.

In summary, eyesight peripheral vision is vital for our safety, spatial awareness, and overall visual experience.

Causes of Peripheral Vision Loss

Causes of peripheral vision loss, include:

  • Eye conditions or diseases, such as glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa, or macular degeneration.
  • Traumatic brain injury or damage to the optic nerve.
  • Certain medications or drug abuse.
  • Diabetes or other systemic health conditions.
  • Aging, as peripheral vision tends to decline with age.

It is essential to identify the underlying cause of losing side vision to determine the appropriate treatment or management strategies.

Symptoms of Peripheral Vision Issues

Symptoms of losing side vision may include:

  • Difficulty seeing objects or movement at the sides or corners of the visual field.
  • Narrowing of the visual field, creating a tunnel-like vision.
  • Blurred or distorted peripheral vision.
  • Trouble with depth perception or judging distances.
  • Increased sensitivity to light or glare.

If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to consult an eye care professional for a comprehensive evaluation.

What Occurs If You Lose Peripheral Vision?

Losing side vision can have significant impacts on daily life:

  • It can affect your ability to drive safely, as you may have difficulty detecting objects or vehicles approaching from the sides.
  • It may increase the risk of accidents or falls, as you may not see obstacles or hazards in your peripheral vision.
  • It can impact your spatial awareness and make it challenging to navigate crowded environments or participate in sports or physical activities.
  • It may affect your overall quality of life and independence.

It is crucial to address peripheral vision blurry issues promptly to prevent these potential consequences.

How to Test Peripheral Vision (Tunnel Vision)?

There are various methods to test peripheral vision, including:

  • Visual field tests, which measure the extent of your peripheral vision blurry issues.
  • Confrontation tests, where you and an eye care professional compare your visual fields.
  • Kinetic perimetry tests, which evaluate your ability to detect moving objects in your peripheral vision.

These tests can help identify any abnormalities or deficiencies in your peripheral vision and guide further diagnosis and treatment.

Diagnosis and Treatment Options

Diagnosing and treating peripheral vision issues typically involves:

  • Comprehensive eye examinations to assess the extent and underlying causes of peripheral vision loss.
  • Imaging tests, such as OCT scans or visual field tests, to evaluate the structure and function of the eyes and optic nerve.
  • Treatment of underlying eye conditions or diseases, such as glaucoma or retinitis pigmentosa.
  • Vision rehabilitation programs to enhance your remaining vision and adapt to any visual impairments.
  • Assistive devices, such as magnifiers or visual aids, to improve your visual functioning.

The specific treatment approach will depend on the individual’s condition and needs.

Preventive Measures for Healthy Vision

To maintain healthy peripheral vision and overall eye health, consider the following preventive measures:

  • Get regular comprehensive eye examinations to detect any potential issues early.
  • Protect your eyes from injury by wearing appropriate eye protection during sports or hazardous activities.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
  • Manage systemic health conditions, such as diabetes or hypertension, to minimize the risk of vision complications.
  • Take breaks and practice eye exercises when engaged in activities that require prolonged visual focus, such as computer work.

Here are some eye exercises for eye strain.

By taking these preventive measures, you can help preserve your peripheral vision and promote optimal eye health.

Difference Between Peripheral Vision and Central Vision

Peripheral vision and central vision serve different purposes:

  • Peripheral vision covers a wide visual field and detects motion and objects outside of the direct line of sight.
  • Central vision, on the other hand, provides detailed and focused vision, allowing us to see fine details, read, and recognize faces.
  • Both peripheral and central vision are essential for our overall visual experience and functioning, complementing each other to provide a comprehensive view of the world.

Tips to Maintain Peripheral Vision

To maintain and enhance your peripheral vision, consider the following tips:

  • Practice eye exercises that involve shifting your gaze and focusing on objects in different areas of your visual field.
  • Engage in activities that require you to move your eyes and head, such as playing sports or exploring new environments.
  • Avoid prolonged periods of visual fixation, such as staring at a computer screen or smartphone for extended periods.
  • Protect your eyes from harmful UV rays by wearing sunglasses with adequate UV protection.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, to support overall eye health.

Here is the diet for perfect eyesight.

By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you can help maintain and improve your peripheral vision.


Understanding the meaning, causes, and symptoms of peripheral vision issues is essential for maintaining the health of this important visual ability. Regular eye examinations, protective eyewear, and adopting a healthy lifestyle are some of the ways we can promote healthy peripheral vision.

If you experience any symptoms or have concerns about your peripheral vision, it is important to consult with an eye care professional for a thorough evaluation and appropriate treatment.


What does peripheral vision mean?

Peripheral vision refers to your ability to see objects and movement outside the direct line of sight, extending to the edges of your field of view.

How important is peripheral vision for daily activities?

Peripheral vision is crucial for tasks like driving, walking, and sports, as it provides awareness of the environment and helps maintain balance and coordination.

What causes peripheral vision problems?

Peripheral vision problems can be caused by eye diseases like glaucoma, retinal detachment, optic nerve damage, neurological conditions, aging, or physical trauma.

Can peripheral vision be corrected?

Depending on the cause, some peripheral vision problems can be corrected or managed through treatments, rehabilitation, or adaptive techniques.

What are the 2 types of vision?

The two primary types of vision are central vision, which is focused and detailed, and peripheral vision, which provides a broader view but lacks detail.

Read here about types of low vision.

Why is my peripheral vision better than central vision?

Peripheral vision may sometimes seem better due to its sensitivity to motion and changes in the environment, which are essential for rapid detection of potential hazards.

When is peripheral vision most important?

Peripheral vision is most crucial in situations that require awareness of surroundings, such as driving, sports, and navigating crowded spaces, where detecting movement or objects at the edges of your field of view is critical.

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