
How Squint Eyes Can Impact Mental Health and Confidence in Kids

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Centre for Sight (CFS) Eye Hospital, Hyderabad is organising awareness programmes between May 11 and 17 on retinoblastoma, the commonly occurring eye cancer in children, said its director and ocular oncologist Santosh G. Honaver, in a press release here on

India has the highest number of Retinoblastoma (Rb) affected children in the world, with about 1500 new cases reported each year informed Dr. Santosh G. Honavar, while addressing a press conference here in city on the occasion of World Retinoblastoma

Rahul is lucky to be alive and to see the beautiful world, even though with just one eye. His elder sister was not so fortunate, as a late detection of eye cancer proved fatal for her. “We learnt our lesson

Summers can indeed wreck havoc with your eyes. ” The increased temperature and pollution can make one vulnerable to eye allergies, resulting in itching, redness, and burning sensations. Some basic precautions can help,” says Dr Ritika Sachdev, additional director, medical

Rahul is lucky to be alive and to see the beautiful world, even though with just one eye. His elder sister was not so fortunate, as a late detection of eye cancer proved fatal for her. “We learnt our lesson

India has the highest number of Retinoblastoma (Rb) affected children in the world, with about 1500 new cases reported each year informed Dr. Santosh G. Honavar, while addressing a press conference here in city on the occasion of World Retinoblastoma

India has the highest number of Retinoblastoma (Rb) affected children in the world, with about 1500 new cases reported each year, informed Dr. Santosh G. Honavar, while addressing a press conference here on the occasion of World Retinoblastoma Awareness Week. Retinoblastoma is

India has the highest number of Retinoblastoma (Rb) affected children in the world, with about 1500 new cases reported each year informed Dr. Santosh G. Honavar, while addressing a press conference here in city on the occasion of World Retinoblastoma Awareness Week.

New Delhi : Rahul is lucky to be alive and to see the beautiful world, even though with just one eye. His elder sister was not so fortunate, as a late detection of eye cancer proved fatal for her. “We learnt

Hyderabad: India has the highest number of Retinoblastoma (Rb) affected children in the world, with about 1500 new cases reported each year informed Dr. Santosh G. Honavar, while addressing a press conference here in city on the occasion of World Retinoblastoma

