ICL Surgery or LASIK Surgery: Which one do you need?

ICL Surgery or LASIK Surgery: Which one do you need?

LASIK has always been a recommended methodology amongst eye surgeons and patients. As a matter of fact, according to NCBI in 2011, LASIK became the highest searched Google query among people residing in India. That states, back then, LASIK became the most popular and widely accepted eye correction surgery. Seeking LASIK was the solution to get rid of glasses, but not everybody seemed to be eligible for it. With limitations like thin cornea and high prescriptions for either short-sightedness or long-sightedness people need other options for permanent vision correction. One such option is ICL for those who are looking for options other than corneal based procedures.

When to look out for ICL?

Commonly known as Phakic IOL. The Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL) is a thin artificial lens that is surgically inserted over the natural lens, inside the eye. Although they are similar to contacts, the only difference is they don’t need to be put every day since it sits inside the eye permanently. The reason why ICL is better than LASIK is that it can treat myopia from -3 D to -20 D. Also, ICL is made of collagen that is 100% biocompatible, absorbs harmful UV rays and is designed to function in accordance with your body. ICL provides high vision, one such study found that ICL offers better contrast sensitivity than LASIK and the patients were more satisfied with the outcome. Findings suggest that the technique is safe and does not cause significant complications, unlike excimer laser. Apart from this, ICL has several other advantages like:

No more dry eye:

Almost 95% of people who went through LASIK reported dry eye symptoms which include burning, stinging, discharge from the eye, scratchy eyes, blurred vision and eye strain.

Not Suitable For LASIK? You got ICL:

As many patients are not considered eligible for LASIK due to a very high eye power, well, ICL does not limit it for you. It has been proven to be a safe and effective alternative to break free from spectacles.

No corneal flapping:

Since ICL is adding a layer over the cornea for clearer vision, the stability of the cornea is not disturbed in any way. No flap or incision is required. This also gives the patient the advantage of faster recovery. They can return to their routine in a matter of a few days.

Improved night vision and UV protection, you got it all:

As ICL is made up of biocompatible product, not only it protects the eyes from harmful UV rays but also reduces the complaints of haloes and light sensitivity tremendously.

Change in power is well accommodated in ICL:

A very rare circumstance, but just in case one experiences a difference in their eye power, ICL can be reversed. The power can be accommodated and can be performed again with the updated numbers. Quite smooth, right?

With 99% of customer satisfaction rate, ICL has positioned itself to be safe and an excellent alternative for vision correction. Allowing the ones who were denied LASIK surgery, ICL is a game-changer for many. But there are some criteria, ideal candidates for ICL must be:

  • At least 18 years old
  • Their eye power prescription should be stable for over a year
  • Must not be pregnant
  • Good eye and general health is an essential factor

The screening for ICL goes through consultation and if in case the candidate is eligible for LASIK, they usually are free to opt-out of the two. ICL is capable, but LASIK remains a great and convenient option for many. The procedure is a bit different, but the preparation remains mainly the same. Before the surgery, the candidate is asked not to wear contact lenses for at least 72 hours as they change the shape of the corneas temporarily. Both the surgeries are a matter of short span of mine. Some anaesthetic and sedatives are provided during the procedure. During LASIK, the surgeons create a corneal flap using laser technology. While in ICL, surgeons create micro incisions to position the lens between the iris and the natural lens to implant unfolds and then place the edges behind the iris to make it invisible. The difference post LASIK is almost immediately felt but in ICL at least 24 hours is required to register a difference in the vision. Patients are strongly advised not to drive post their surgery. As the recovery time is little or none but the doctors suggest limiting daily activities and take a few days off before returning to the usual lifestyle. Are you on a lookout for the best ICL surgery in Delhi but are wondering about any risks and complications? Well, Centre For Sight uses the-state-of-art-technology, and the chances of any complications are off-limits. Our highly skilled team understands the importance of vision correction that you are undergoing and we tend to provide you with the smoothest ride ever! What are you waiting for? Make up your mind and break free!

ICL Surgery or LASIK Surgery: Which one do you need?

ICL Surgery or LASIK Surgery: Which one do you need?