Exam time is around the corner and stress is expected to hang high on the head of every student. During preparation time, fatigue for the body and the brain is a major problem faced by every student. However, the most problematic of all the pain and stress can be the strain that’s caused to your eyes during consistent long hours of studying. Keeping your eyes focused on the books or being glued to the computer screen for last minute researches makes your eyes prone to a great damage. Given that reason, every other student is seen complaining about experiencing eye problems during the time of preparations. Thus, particularly during the exam time, students are advised to take great care of their eyes. So, if you too have been complaining about eye strain, headaches, or blurred vision while working hard for the examinations, here are the five exercises to keep your eyes relaxed during preparations – 1) The 20-20-20 Rule While studying consistently you should take mandatory breaks to look away in your surrounding and ease up your eyes. The most effective manner to do so is to follow the 20-20-20 rule. It is a simple eye exercise according to which you need to focus your eyes 20 feet away for 20 seconds in every 20 minutes. This allows your eyes the needed distraction and your eye muscles get the required relaxation from the prevailing strain. 2) Vision Exercise Take help of that pen and pencil in your hand to ease your eyes from the stress. Pencil-Pushup Exercise is one of the most effective eye exercises which you should include in your daily routine. At the distance of the length of your arm hold a pencil in your hand. Now, focus at the tip of the pencil and steadily bring it closer to your nose. As the pencil approaches your nose, you might be able to see two pencil tips instead of one. Move the hand back a little till you see the tip single again & maintain focus. This exercise relaxes the eye muscles. It also helps to align your vision. You can perform this exercise 5 to 10 times repeatedly. 3) Blinking Adequate and repetitive blinking of the eyes is extremely important for letting the eye muscles relax. Also, consistent blinking helps in preventing the problem of dry or irritable eyes. It is so because when you blink the eyes they get nourished by the vitreous. Thus, you should blink your eyes at least 15 – 20 times per minute. 4) Palming For the purpose of relaxing your eye muscles, palming can be a very helpful exercise. In order to perform this exercise, you should first rub your hands together. Now, lightly place your palms over your eyes in such a manner that your eyes are entirely covered under your palms. It is performed to reduce the stress of eye muscles. Performing this exercise during short breaks from continuous reading or writing routines allows your eyes the required ease. 5) Eyeball Rotations Eyeball Rotations are performed as you relax your eyes and rotate your eyeballs in clockwise and anti-clockwise direction. This exercise helps to stretch the eye muscles and strengthen them. Moreover, periodic rotations of the eyeball also help in relaxing your eyes. To perform the exercise well, ensure that your eyeballs move in full circles. Perform the motion 20 times and then relax. Practicing this exercise at least 5 times a day during your study breaks would immensely help in easing your eye strain.