Combat Corneal Changes with Keratoconus Treatment C3R!

Combat Corneal Changes with Keratoconus Treatment C3R!

Today, there are a variety of treatments available for eye-related problems with a very high success rate. There are different forms of treatments available for various ailments of the eye. 

One such treatment method is C3R or Corneal Collagen Cross-Linking with Riboflavin eye surgery for Keratoconus. Keratoconus is an eye condition in which there is thinning of the collagen tissue, which leads the cornea to change to a conical shape.

This condition usually begins at puberty and progresses throughout your youth, right up to the fourth decade of life. This affects your vision, causing it to blur, thus affecting your quality of life.

Although early Keratoconus can be treated by using rigid contact lenses, keratoconus C3R treatment has recently been found & is more effective in treating this condition.

What is C3R?

C3R eye surgery is a non-invasive treatment for Keratoconus in which the corneal tissues are strengthened to stabilise the vision in the early stages of the condition. C3R involves one-time application of riboflavin drops to the eyes. Riboflavin is activated with exposure to UV rays.

This process increases the collagen cross-linking in the stroma and thus increases the corneal tissue strength, which helps to recover and stabilise the vision. Keratoconus treatment C3R cannot correct your vision completely, and you may still need to wear your glasses. Still, this treatment will prevent your vision problems from worsening and maintain the current vision.

The treatment usually takes place in an operation theatre, where a local anaesthetic in the form of eye drops is applied to your eye. Then riboflavin drops are administered to the corneal surface and left for 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes, it is exposed to UV rays that activate the riboflavin, increasing the cross-linking within the corneal tissue and helping to strengthen it. These increased links maintain the current level of your vision while also preventing the Keratoconus from progressing.

Advantages and Disadvantages of C3R

Keratoconus treatment C3R is a much less invasive procedure than corneal transplants, which means you can return to your day-to-day activities much sooner. This makes the treatment a much suitable option for working professionals with an active lifestyle.

C3R may also have some complications like postoperative infections or ulcers. These usually disappear with minimum treatment. Apart from these, other complications like endothelial damage may also be seen.

Is C3R the Right Option for You?

Keratoconus treatment C3R is one of the most popular treatment options. This procedure helps strengthen your cornea and stabilises your vision. However, it is also important to keep in mind that it does not correct your vision. 

If you don’t want to go for a transplant or if your doctor opines that we need to stabilise your cornea from progressive thinning, this treatment is for you. It gives symptomatic relief by stabilising your vision with a quicker and much less invasive procedure. 

Precautions After C3R Surgery

Keratoconus treatment C3R has a quicker healing period, and you can get back to your routine as soon as possible, but there are still some precautions after C3R surgery that you need to take:

  • Use the eye drops prescribed by your doctor to keep your eyes well-lubricated.
  • Maintain proper hygiene around your eyes and avoid rubbing or touching your eyes frequently.
  • Avoid any heavy activities during the initial few days.
  • Follow all the instructions given by your doctor carefully.

Among various advanced eye treatments, C3R treatment for Keratoconus has gained a lot of popularity. If you are advised of this treatment, discuss the possible risks and benefits with your doctor before making the final decision.

Why Choose Centre for Sight?

Our centres are well-equipped with modern state-of-the-art technology. We have highly experienced and well-qualified ophthalmologists who specialise in various eye treatments like C3R, SMILE, LASIK, CataractGlaucoma, etc.

Article: Combat Corneal Changes with Keratoconus Treatment C3R!
Author: CFS Editorial Team   |   Aug 02 2021 | UPDATED 02:00 IST

*The views expressed here are solely those of the author in his private capacity and do not in any way represent the views of Centre for Sight.

Combat Corneal Changes with Keratoconus Treatment C3R!

Combat Corneal Changes with Keratoconus Treatment C3R!