Category: General

Category: General

We generally tend to ignore common symptoms of eye problems, thinking that they will wear off on their own. It turns out there are specific eye problems that need special attention and eye symptoms that need to be noticed before

Our eyes are what enable us to see the world every day. They help us in experiencing all colours of life and seeing every single detail. However, sometimes we can take them for granted and stop caring for them, which

Eyes are a very fragile part of our body when it comes to handling allergies, infections or diseases. Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to any symptoms that may be a cause of any significant eye problems. Types of

The level of pollutants present in the air we breathe is alarming. Mostly, we consider these pollutants to be harmful to our skin, respiratory system, and cardiovascular systems. Nonetheless, the pollution we live amidst is causing great harm to our

The sudden spread of a virus that causes COVID-19 has sparked an alarm worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) describes coronaviruses (CoV) as a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases

Eye fatigue has become a common concern with the increasing reliance on screens. From computer use to prolonged digital scrolling, our eye muscles face strain that can impact vision over time. But just like other muscles in the body, eye

While many people succeed in implementing healthy changes in their lives, they tend to forget to take any constructive steps for the health of an important organ – The eyes. These sensory organs are an important part of the body,

Are you fed up of wearing spectacles and are searching for a better option? Well, bid farewell to those specs with SMILE. It stands for Small Incision Lenticular Extraction and is a highly advanced technology of blade-free laser vision correction.

Tear gases are chemical weapons that cause a stinging sensation in the eyes. In worse cases, they can lead to coughing up blood, collapsing, and suffering from problems with the nervous system and epileptic fits. Though they are rarely disabling

For you and others who can read this piece of content, a sense of vision doesn’t sound anything different. Imagine someone who cannot see, the world is a little harsh to them. It is crucial to provide the right amenities

Blog Category: General

Best Eye Hospital in Hyderabad: Book an Appointment Today

Best Eye Hospital in Hyderabad: Book an Appointment Today