The human crystalline lens, which is clear and transparent, is part of the focusing mechanism of the eye. With age, the lens becomes cloudy and opaque, thereby hampering normal vision. This condition is called ‘Cataract’ or ‘Safed Motia’. Most cataracts are the result of the natural process of aging. Other causes of cataract are metabolic disorders such as diabetes, excessive exposure to sunlight, lifestyle disorders like heavy alcohol consumption and smoking. Injury to the eye can also lead to clouding of the lens of the eye.

About half the population by the age of 60 will get cataract, while around 80 per centpeople will have cataract in atleast one eye by the age of 70 years.

Symptoms of Cataract

Hazy, fuzzy and blurred vision Double vision Increased sensitivity to lightPoor night vision Rapid need to change eye glass prescription in the early stage

As cataract develops, high power glasses would no longer improve the visionDuring cataract surgery, the cloudy lens is removed or cleaned out and replaced by a clearartificial lens. After the cataract is removed, the surgeon usually replaces it with a new,manmade lens called an intraocular lens or IOL. This procedure is calledIntraocular lens implantation.

The IOL is a clear plastic, acrylic, or silicone lens with an optical power chosen by thesurgeon to help restore patient’s normal vision. This lens is permanent and needs no specialcare. Still, even if your natural lens is replaced with an intraocular lens, you probablywill need a new eyeglass prescription. However, most people can see fairly well at adistance without glasses after modern cataract surgery with a lens replacement.

The actual surgery usually lasts less than an hour and usually it is not advisable to removecataracts in both eyes at the same time. If you need both eyes done, you will be scheduledfor separate surgeries, usually a few weeks apart. Nearly 98% of all cataract surgeries arecompleted each year without any serious complications. Though this type of surgery is verysafe, you should always discuss the risks of surgery with your eye surgeon.

Vision is usually improved the day after the surgery. Maximum improvement is usuallyachieved when new glasses are prescribed, about a month after cataract surgery. Be sure touse all medications as prescribed to make sure you get the best possible results.

Clouding of the lining of the lens may occur months or years after cataract surgery. In thiscase, an outpatient procedure using a laser can be performed to restore normal vision in theeye. Lens implants are permanent and ordinarily do not need to be replaced. They are goodfor the lifetime of the patient.Centre for Sight – the centre for ‘Femtosecond’ laser technology

Centre for Sight now brings BLADE FREE cataract surgery with femtosecond laser assistedtechnique. The world’s first laser automated technology for cataract removal now in thehands of India’s leading eye surgeons results in a safer surgery for the patient. With thisradical technology at Centre for Sight, cataract surgery can now be safer and more accurate.Automating the most crucial steps in cataract surgery assures minimum pain and maximumaccuracy and ensures a quick surgery and quicker recovery.

Femtosecond Laser technology is the latest and best technology for cataract surgeryavailable throughout the world. This bladeless, stitchless technique for cataract surgerydelivers precise results and is a boon for the patient. It has significantly automated thecomplicated steps of cataract surgery.

Reasons to choose Femtosecond laser surgery:

  • Next gen technology for cataract removal
  • 100% blade-free procedure for greater accuracy
  • Automates the crucial steps of cataract surgery
  • Live OCT Scan (image guided) for personalised cataract surgery
  • Minimal pain
  • Enhanced final visual result
  • Astigmatism correction at the time of surgery
  • Reduced risk of infection
  • Improved safety for patients
  • Speedy post-op recovery