Month: December 2021

Month: December 2021

Winter is a fantastic time for family activities and pleasure. Perhaps you’re hitting the slopes, hiking  across snow-covered summits, or remaining inside! Whatever way you choose to spend the winter,  remember to follow the below-mentioned tips for eyes health during

Watery eyes, medically known as epiphora, occur when tears overflow excessively from the eyes. Tears are essential for maintaining eye health, providing lubrication, and protecting against irritants. However, when tear production or drainage becomes imbalanced, it can lead to persistent

One of the most uncomfortable sensations is the feeling of pressure  in eyes and headache. This sensation can be quite distressing and may interfere with daily activities. Understanding what causes pressure behind the eyes, its symptoms, and treatment options can

Have allergies made your eyes swollen and red? You’re not alone; allergic conjunctivitis affects people of all ages. However, knowing your triggers and treating the symptoms of eye allergies is essential for future treatment. Symptoms of Eye Allergies Redness in

Many people want to permanently bid adieu to their contact lenses or eyeglasses, which is why refractive surgeries such as LASIK and SMILE have become so sought-after. While LASIK has been around for a while and is fairly well-known, its newer counterpart,

Imagine you’re playing peek-a-boo with your little one, while they giggle, you notice a strange white reflection in their eye. It’s easy to neglect it as a trick of the light, but it could be a sign of retinoblastoma, a

Melanoma, also known as skin cancer, develops in the melanin containing cells of the body (the cells that give skin it’s color). Contrary to popular belief, melanoma doesn’t just develop on the skin and present itself in the form of

Did you know you can take care of your eyesight (and improve it) the way you can take care of other aspects of your health? Apart from making sure that you schedule regular appointments with your ophthalmologists, there are a

Blog Month: December 2021


Winter Eye Health: 5 Essential Seasonal Eye Care Tips