Author: Dr Harsh

Author: Dr Harsh

You can save your eyes from chronic ailments by getting regular eye treatments. Have you heard of glaucoma? It is an eye disease that is caused by increased eye pressure, which eventually leads to loss of vision. Since this eye disorder

Glaucoma is a disease in which the optic nerve of the eye gets damaged. If this eye disease is left untreated, then it may cause blindness. It is one of the primary factors of vision loss for people over 60

Glaucoma management is a crucial thing in pregnant women. All those women (who have Glaucoma) who are considering a child should be very careful with their medication and activities they choose. The disease has its own share of effect on

Struggling with poor vision? Diagnosed with glaucoma? Are you aware of what kind of glaucoma have you been diagnosed with? Glaucoma is commonly known as “Kala Motia” in Hindi and “A Thief of Vision” in English. It is a rare condition that

With the aim to educate people about how to assess their risk for glaucoma and to be aware of the importance of regular eye exams and early detection, World Glaucoma Week is conducted on a global scale. This year World

Blog Author: Dr Harsh

Exercises to prevent Glaucoma

Exercises to prevent Glaucoma