10 Simple Eye Exercises for Eye Relaxation

Wed Apr 03 2019

We all know that exercising regularly can boost strength and is good for our muscles, but wait, what about eye exercises to improve eyesight, especially in today’s fast-paced digital age where prolonged screen time and constant exposure to various electronic devices has all of a sudden increased, leading to eye strain. While there are no effective eye exercises to cure myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism, we can counter the strain and promote overall eye health by incorporating simple and effective exercises into our daily routine. 

In this blog, we will explore 10 simple eye exercises designed to provide relaxation and alleviate eye fatigue. From gentle movements to focused techniques, these exercises aim to rejuvenate your eyes and contribute to a more comfortable visual experience. 

What Are the Benefits of Eye Exercises

Before delving into the exercises themselves, let’s briefly explore the numerous benefits of incorporating these easy eye exercises into your daily life. These exercises can help reduce eye strain, alleviate headaches, enhance concentration, and even contribute to better sleep. Additionally, regular practice of eye relaxation techniques may aid in preventing conditions such as myopia and presbyopia, providing long-term benefits for your eye health.

10 Simple Eye Exercises

Now, let’s dive into the ten simple eye exercises that can work wonders for eye relaxation and overall well-being.

Some Exercises to Relax Eye Muscles are:


Palming is a technique designed to alleviate eye strain and provide a quick relaxation method. To perform palming, sit comfortably and rub your palms together vigorously to generate heat. Cup your hands and place them over your closed eyes without applying pressure. Ensure that no light enters, and your eyes are in complete darkness. Breathe deeply and relax, allowing the warmth and darkness to soothe your eyes. Continue for a few minutes to experience a sense of calm and relief.


Blinking is a natural yet often overlooked eye exercise that helps moisten the eyes and prevent dryness. During prolonged screen use, we tend to blink less frequently. Set a reminder to consciously blink every 20 seconds, especially when working on a computer. This simple act keeps the eyes lubricated, reducing the chances of eye strain and discomfort.

Near-Far Focus

Enhance your eye flexibility by practicing near-far focus. Choose an object close to you and focus on it for a few seconds. Then, shift your gaze to a distant object and focus on it. Continue alternating between near and far objects to improve the range of motion in your eye muscles. This exercise is beneficial for individuals who spend extended periods looking at screens, as it helps prevent eye strain and maintains visual acuity.

Figure of Eight

The figure-of-eight exercise involves tracing an imaginary figure-eight shape horizontally with your eyes. Keep the motion smooth and continuous. This exercise promotes eye coordination and flexibility by engaging both horizontal and vertical eye movements. It’s an excellent practice to reduce eye muscle stiffness and enhance overall eye agility.


Zooming is a dynamic eye exercise for eye relaxation that involves focusing on an object and gradually bringing it closer to your eyes, then moving it away. This helps stimulate the eye muscles and enhances your ability to focus on objects at different distances. Zooming is particularly beneficial for maintaining optimal eye health, especially for those who spend extended periods engaged in activities like reading or using digital devices.

Eye Rolling

Eye rolling is a gentle exercise where you rotate your eyes in a circular motion, both clockwise and counterclockwise. This movement helps stretch and strengthen the eye muscles, promoting flexibility and reducing tension. Eye rolling is an effective way to counteract the strain caused by prolonged periods of fixed gaze, such as when staring at a computer or smartphone screen. In addition to eye rolling, incorporating exercises to prevent Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is crucial for maintaining optimal eye health. Performing simple yet effective exercises regularly can help alleviate the strain caused by extended periods of screen time.

Concentration Exercise

Enhance your concentration and focus by practicing this eye relaxation exercise. Choose a small object and focus on it for an extended period, aiming to eliminate distractions. This helps improve your ability to concentrate and strengthens the eye-brain connection. Regularly incorporating this exercise can contribute to better overall cognitive function.


Gently massaging the area around your eyes can promote relaxation and alleviate tension. Using your fingertips, apply light pressure in circular motions around your eyes. Start from the inner corners and move outward. This simple eye exercise improves blood circulation, reduces eye puffiness, and provides a soothing effect.

Pencil Exercises

Pencil exercises involve tracking the movement of a pencil with your eyes. Hold a pencil at arm’s length and slowly move it towards your nose, then back again. Follow the movement with your eyes without moving your head. This exercise enhances eye coordination and strengthens the eye muscles, contributing to improved visual tracking.

20-20-20 Rule

The 20-20-20 rule is a helpful eye relaxation exercise to prevent eye fatigue during prolonged screen use. Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break, and look at something 20 feet away. This habit reduces eye strain by giving your eyes a chance to refocus on a distant object, preventing the overexertion of near vision associated with prolonged screen time. Additionally, incorporating exercises to keep your eyes relaxed during exams is crucial for maintaining optimal eye health. 

Incorporating these ten eye exercises into your daily routine can contribute to maintaining optimal eye health, reducing eye strain, and promoting overall well-being. Adjust the frequency and duration based on your comfort level, and remember that consistency is key for experiencing the full benefits of these exercises. Engaging in exercises to prevent glaucoma, such as brisk walks, jogging, eye yoga exercise or other aerobic activities, can further enhance your eye health.


Can eye exercises help alleviate symptoms of digital eye strain?

Yes, eye exercises can help reduce symptoms of digital eye strain by promoting eye muscle flexibility and reducing eye fatigue.

How frequently should eye exercises be performed for optimal results?

For optimal results, perform eye relaxation exercises 2-3 times a day in short sessions, taking breaks during prolonged screen use.

Do eye relaxation exercises help combat dry eyes?

Yes, eye relaxation exercises can contribute to combating dry eyes by promoting better tear distribution and reducing eye strain.

Are there any precautions or considerations before starting a routine of eye exercises?

Before starting eye exercises, consult an eye care professional, especially if you have any existing eye conditions or concerns. Avoid excessive strain and take breaks during exercises.

What is vision therapy? Is vision therapy and eye exercise the same?

Vision therapy involves a personalized program to improve visual skills, while exercises for eye or eye relaxation techniques are general practices to enhance eye muscle strength. They are related but not exactly the same.

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